May 27, 2008

Emilio and Eva in Pamplona

It's been a while since Emilio and Eva came to visit but the truth is I forgot to write something on the blog and then I just didn't have enough time. You know, I start my finals next week and it would be great if I could pass them all because that would mean I'm over with exams for the rest of my life. Man, I can't wait!
Anyway, the thing is that Eva and I had talked about meeting someday with Emilio and Laura since they are both studying in Spain this year. Yeah, I already know, we are a disaster and even though they had been here for about seven months we hadn't had the chance to meet. We planned on meeting during the holiday of May the 1st because we were all free. But in these kind of situations you always have to count with the unexpected, being in this case that I had to work in Baluarte on Friday and Saturday. So I thought we weren't going to meet at all but on Thursday night I got a call from Eva saying they were coming to Pamplona on the next day. Of course I said there was no problem although there was a slight one, I still had to work. So at the end we managed and organized it pretty well I must admit. They got to know most of the city, I mean, Pamplona is quite small and in one morning you can cover most of the interesting parts of the city. And they also visited some of the towns and villages that surround Pamplona thanks to Miguel who took them on a couple of day-trips.
Things went really well and we even got the chance to go out at night both days. I couldn't be with them from the start of the night (stupid job) but would meet them as soon as possible, enjoying Pamplona's "great" nightlife. And as fast as they came they left on Sunday, leaving me here with an awesome feeling, the one you get when you see and talk with important people in your life you haven't seen in a long time.

May 23, 2008

2nd reunion of the year

It seems that this is working. I'm really glad to see that the relationships I made last year in Vermont are in great shape. It hasn't even been a year since we left that beautiful State and we have already organized two reunions. I think this is great news. It's incredibly difficult to gather all of us in one place in a given time, but it's relatively easier to meet people at different times and in different places as it's been proven here. I first met some of my European friends in Switzerland and now I'm going to meet some of my Central and South American friends in Mexico. And of course Adrian, who, like me, doesn't miss an opportunity like this and he is the only one who is gonna attend both reunions. So this Mexican reunion sounds great and seems like a great continuation of the previous one.
But there's still a lot of other friends I would like to meet. So even though I'm going to Mexico in July, I would absolutely be up for another European reunion during the summer. This is most probably my last summer as an student, meaning is the last one I'm going to have time for traveling since we all know that when you start working seriously summer is reduced to a month at most. So what do you think about august?

May 13, 2008

Ok guys, I need a reunion

That's the truth guys. I know all of us are really busy both with studies and work, including myself. But for this very same reason, I need a reunion. You (UVM gang) all know how I feel about you. I like to believe we have a friendship which neither time or distance can ever destroy. As I expressed in a previous post, no matter how long have we been without talking or seeing each other I know you are there and that you care, because I do too.
Anyway, the point of this post wasn't to get sentimental, it was more about expressing my desire for a new reunion like the one we had in Switzerland. I don't care where we do it, whether it is in Spain or in any other country. I take the opportunity to inform you that you are all invited to Pamplona whenever you want. Anita, Rachel, Emilio, Eva, Taylor and so can tell you if they enjoyed it or not, because they told me they did but I'm not sure if it was true or just to make me feel good. hehe. Just kidding!
Although I'll most probably go to Mexico in July to meet up with UVM internationals from the other side of the puddle, I'll really like to meet the european ones who didn't attend the easter reunion, who are a lot.
So tell me, what do you think guys? I think it'll be simply great to see you again.

P.S: I talked about UVM internationals all through the post, but I also include you americans, you know I love you and that I really wanna go back there soon.