May 13, 2008

Ok guys, I need a reunion

That's the truth guys. I know all of us are really busy both with studies and work, including myself. But for this very same reason, I need a reunion. You (UVM gang) all know how I feel about you. I like to believe we have a friendship which neither time or distance can ever destroy. As I expressed in a previous post, no matter how long have we been without talking or seeing each other I know you are there and that you care, because I do too.
Anyway, the point of this post wasn't to get sentimental, it was more about expressing my desire for a new reunion like the one we had in Switzerland. I don't care where we do it, whether it is in Spain or in any other country. I take the opportunity to inform you that you are all invited to Pamplona whenever you want. Anita, Rachel, Emilio, Eva, Taylor and so can tell you if they enjoyed it or not, because they told me they did but I'm not sure if it was true or just to make me feel good. hehe. Just kidding!
Although I'll most probably go to Mexico in July to meet up with UVM internationals from the other side of the puddle, I'll really like to meet the european ones who didn't attend the easter reunion, who are a lot.
So tell me, what do you think guys? I think it'll be simply great to see you again.

P.S: I talked about UVM internationals all through the post, but I also include you americans, you know I love you and that I really wanna go back there soon.

1 comment:

Laurita Does Europe said...

Hey Alberto, you can count me in for a reunion! Read my last blog entry and let me know what you think... will you be in Pamplona for San Fermines? Because I think that's when I'll go there...