January 03, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year all!!! Again, it's been a long time since I wrote on this blog for the last time. There's no specific reason for it, just that I was leaving it aside and didn't find the motivation for it. But don't think I'm giving up on this precious blank sheet of paper on which I can freely express myself. That will not happen, at least for now.

So quick update on what I've been up to lately. Let's see. Oh, I went to another of those concerts I love so much. This time it was The Sounds in Madrid. Great gig and a lots of fun in the Spanish Capital, as usual. Sorry Mauro I didn't call you, but it was an express visit. I promise a proper one this year we just started.

I traveled to both Prague and Budapest with a friend of mine. Really fun, plus the cheap beer in both cities made it funnier indeed. It was a short trip since the free days at work are not abundant and I need to choose them carefully so that I can get to do everything I desire. So it wasn't long but definitely intense.

Another visit to Carlota's place in Segovia since it was her birthday and we have to keep the tradition alive. Party is always ensured when we talk about Segovia, and this time wasn't an exception. But the best thing, meeting up with friends I don't get to see very often but that the few times I do, make me realize why we are still friends. You know, I'm talking about friends from group two (if you remember from an older post in which I got quite emotional).

And in the meantime of these events and lots of others I don't bother to mention since they are not as exciting, work. A job which I love but that takes a lot of my time. And you know how much I love traveling. So now, whenever I have the chance I try to escape from Pamplona, whether it's abroad or in Spain. I can tell you, at least for me, that when you start working is when you value the free time you have. And it's then that you try all the time to make the most out of it, i.e. today I went to San Sebastian to an ACB basketball game, which I haven't been in a long time.

Oh, and I almost forgot about something really appealing. Ski season is open, and that means constantly checking the weekend weather forecast to see if it is feasible to go skiing. So far I've been two times and I'm counting on going many more.

One of the things I asked for this new year we just started, a UVM reunion. I think it's of vital importance to have at least one reunion this 2010. Why? just because... no, just kidding. I believe we should because it's a critical stage. We've been without a reunion for quite a long time and if I'm afraid we stop keeping in touch if we don't do something. I understand it's really difficult to stay connected living so far from each other and for so long, so that's why we need the reunions. At least me, I'm not giving up on them, not yet. So I'll keep pushing with new ideas and suggestions. Some will be abandoned and forgotten, but most surely a few will come true. The last we came up with is one sometime in summer and were thinking of meeting in Asia. Although any other idea or proposal is totally welcomed.

Buff, I think this post got a little bit too long. Well, I guess it doesn't matter, nevertheless it has been a really long time. So my wish for this 2010 is to keep doing what I love the most, traveling, but also and more important, don't loose contact with the people I care.

I leave you with a picture of New Year's Eve. Me and my brother all dressed up as a cook and Rocky, ready to hit the night in Pamplona!!!

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