June 20, 2010

Niños de la India

Four lovers of India who felt like they needed to do something joined together and created this organization, Niños de la India. It is one of those I really like, because they do not do things the way traditional aid programs have been doing for years. That is, putting money into a project without paying attention to what the receivers of that particular project thought about it and without considering their ideas.

This is less about aid or helping, as we usually think of it, and more about investing. Investing on people's lives and believing in them. With this program, you can give the starting push to a student, so that he/she can make a living on his/her own. It is not about handing out money blindly, but about giving that particular person an opportunity. An opportunity to create a future for himself, one that he/she has chosen, that he/she likes and more important, that he/she believes in. So if you are eager to help, this can be a really good way of making a difference in someone's life.

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