It's already been two months since I emancipated, moving out from my parent's place and living on my own with a couple of friends (Aitor and Jakub). Well, so far so good, as it is usually said (and now that I have a place to myself, I want to invite any of you who wants to pay me or Pamplona a visit, because there are some extra beds and an incredibly comfortable sofa waiting for you). As I predicted, I have no major problems getting everything done and life is easy. Of course there are plenty more things to worry about, but that is the challenge, and hell yeah! I love challenges.
Overcoming them makes anyone feel amazingly useful and proud of him/herself. Life is full of challenges, because that is the way it should be. If sometime you find yourself with no goal ahead to fulfill or no challenges to get through, then stop, reevaluate, think for a while about what you want in your life, and finally, go for it. This will make you feel better, no doubt.
People find challenges in different places or environments. Whether at work, in sports, with people, in causes... all are valid and must be respected. Everyone is different and so want different things. Nevertheless, people also change with time. What thought to be a challenge in the past can stop being so, due to boredom, lack of interest or simply repetition. That is the exact moment in which you need to come to a halt and reconsider.
Me, I still find challenges in most things in life. However, same way as most people I know, the biggest and usually considered most important ones are work related. Is this the way it should be? or are we giving to much weight to these challenges compared to others? Well, honestly I believe that being at an early working age, as I am myself, we do in fact make this mistake often.
In this line of thought, turning upside down my career in a couple of years time sounds attractive. It would be the moment to go for it, give it a shot, and if it turns out to be a complete disaster, you could never say you did not try.
In the near future, I have challenges non-work related, such as the trip to Guatemala and other good intended projects in Pamplona. But some different challenges and projects for the future are also starting to take shape in my head. You will be hearing about them when the time is ready.
Since this was a pretty intense post, lets reduce the stress with some laughter. Because in Pamplona we also celebrate Halloween!!

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