November 12, 2007


This post is about that, saying some bullshit here. As so many things, I discovered this in the States. You know, americans, as much as I love them, tend to do this in class quite often. I don't know the reason of it, but in countless occasions a guy will interrupt the professor and just talk nonsense. When people do this, I'm like, so after all that, what did you wanna say? I've been listening to someone for like ten minutes and I still don't get his point. Me myself, I'm not very good at bullshiting around. I don't know, when I wanna say something I just say it, and if I don't wanna say anything, I just shut the fuck up. But today is different, I'm feeling like messing around a little bit. As you can see, the post is getting longer and longer and I hadn't really said anything yet. Well, that's partly because I wanted to write something but didn't know what. So this is what I came up with. I admit it doesn't have the quality of my previous posts. It's basically because nothing interesting happened in the last two or three days. Except that I finally got some news from my dear friend Julen. Incredible! oh, and also got a phonecall from Sebastian. It was really nice talking to him and discovering that the facebook application to call cellphones in other countries does work.
I think this was enough randomness for today. I promiss my next posts will be more interesting and I'll actually talk about something. Maybe I'll even post pictures someday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Post some pictures about your travels... how about Bosnia, Danmark or Croatia?

I like your post, however, I feel that you dont realy care about what to talk... as long as you do it in english. ;-)

I'll keep on reading u!
