November 23, 2008

Julen and Mauro

Every now and then I feel the urgency to go to Madrid and pay my two friends there a visit. Julen, who I met on my trip to Australia, is working there in a very important consulting firm. Whereas Mauro, who I met on my Interrail trip around Europe, is studying Engineering there. We are pure travelers material and love planning and going on trips together. The truth is it keeps getting more and more difficult to do so since we are starting our grown ups lives. We have less free time due to working schedules and money isn't exactly something we have in abundance. Nevertheless, hope is the last thing that should be lost and I'm sure we'll manage to go on more adventures together, sooner or later. And in the meantime, this little, short but intense, weekend-length visits is what we have left and the best way to stay in contact. Phone is really handy and everything but it just isn't the same. We are, as Julen always likes to point out, friends of the second group. He refers to a post I wrote while ago where I tried to explain the different kinds of friends people usually have. Being second group friends doesn't imply being less friends than the first group ones, it's just different.

Anyway, all this is just because last weekend I went to Madrid to visit these two friends and I had an amazing time, as usual. I guess they are one of the reasons why I like Madrid that much. Thank you for the weekend!!!



Yeah! That was a great weekend, as it always is when you come to visit us.

We have to keep doing our wonderful trips. It has to be a must. Unfortunately, they will probably be shorter but our budget will increase for sure!

Keep in touch my 2º group first line friend.

un abrazo crack


Unknown said...

Muy bonito!
(yo también vivo en MAdrid, Albertito!)