November 09, 2008

workin' vs studyin'

What's better? working or studying? One thing I know for sure, the answer ain't easy man. Each activity or "way of life" has, like most things in live, its advantages and disadvantages. I'd like to clarify something here, when I talk about working I mean a real job. In this discussion I'm not considering work-study jobs or the like. I'm referring to when you have a full time job which enables you to survive in this society of consumerism that we live in. Having cleared that I will continue with what I wanted to express.
Recently I entered the working group. After twenty years of studying I'm finally done with it. I did not get my degree yet because I still have to hand in and present in front of the tribunal my Final Project, but I already started working. So what do I prefer? Well, it's hard to choose. However, I believe it's just a matter of attitude. If you enter your working adventure thinking that you know everything because you have studied a degree in whatever in whichever university you are gonna be disappointed for sure. University gives you the knowledge so that you have a base to build a more specific and thorough understanding on top of it.
One of the things I value the most about being a student is the flexibility. You could, more or less, skip classes, go on vacation, visit friends abroad, etc whenever you felt like it. But once you start working that changes dramatically. You have a certain amount of vacation days and probably you won't be able to place them exactly when you need them, since you have to take into account the rest of your colleges vacation days as well. Believe me, that's something I really miss.
On the other hand, when you start working you always have free weekends. Some people don't really achieve it, but I try and make the effort of leaving work at work. Meaning when I'm out of work I want to enjoy myself and definitely not worry about work at all. I'd rather come out of work half an hour later with the everything tied up than worrying around. So when you're working you don't have to worry about finals, mid-terms or anything like that. Of course you'll have a thousand things more to worry about than a student, but they'll wait for you in the office the next day, they won't probably chase you home. Anyway, I think I got out of track here and started digressing and rambling. What I wanted to say is that, at least me, I enjoy more weekends now than I did before. And I can plan getaways for any given weekend since I don't have any exam on Monday.
Well, and I did not mention it here but of course the main advantage of working is that you get paid. However, I believe it's better to be paid less and love what you do and work the right amount of hours rather than being a workaholic or a work slave. Instead of working that much in order to get more and more, why don't you just get out and enjoy the nice weather or put your free time into good use helping others?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post, Barts!!
But you forgot to mention another group: the students who have 10 months to do their final project and do nothing but lazing around!!

Peña ;)